Marketing Tools
Generate more leads for your fitness business with a suite of branding, lead generation and lead conversion tools.
Website Lead Capture
Don't just capture registration. Move leads further along the customer journey by enabling them to make a first payment and book straight into a class in one quick visit.
High Performing Website Forms
Sign up future members with lead capture forms that integrate perfectly onto your website.
Flexible Workflows
Build customized workflows to match the needs of your offer. Take minimal details to reduce bounce rates up front and give access to your schedule once they have registered.
Increase conversion and show-up rates by over 50% by eliminating barriers to getting started.
An Accelerated Customer Journey
Use this process for free trials, paid trials and as a way to capture payment details. Take your lead one step closer to becoming an active member.
Facebook and Instagram Integration
Maximize the return on investment of your Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.
Website Retargeting
We all know how important it is to have a presence on social media. Your future members are engaging online. You probably already have a Facebook and Instagram page, but are you using it to its full potential?
With our Facebook Pixel integration you can retarget interested leads with relevant ads on their social media newsfeeds.
Social Booking
Generate custom links for specific classes, memberships, or offers that you can share on social media and get customers without them ever having to reach your website.
Automated Messaging and Push Notifications
Send the right message at the right time.
Welcome New Members
After a new customer has signed up to your studio and booked into a class, don’t let that moment go unnoticed. Welcome them!
Prompt Members to Book a Class
Send new sign-ups a gentle reminder of the amazing classes and courses that you offer, which will prompt them to follow through and book into their first class.
Set Up Automated Messages
With Glofox's sophisticated yet easy-to-use messaging system you can set up triggers that will automatically send the right message, to the right person, at the right time.